Saturday, September 24, 2016

Mooby Reviews 9/24/2016

Newest film reviews:

Blair Witch                                                                  OK
Did we really need another Blair Witch movie?  Most likely not.  I find the documentaries, comic books and the actual legend itself more interesting than any of the films.  When I saw The Blair Witch Project back when it came out on VHS (yes I’m that old), I hated it.  I thought it was annoying, boring and only good when it ended.  I have to admit that when I saw it years later, it kind of grew on me.  Slightly.  It’s still far from being a masterpiece or cult classic.  I like woods and legends so I can appreciate some of its overall themes.  This is a sequel to that film, apparently deleting the actual sequel Book of Shadows:  Blair Witch 2 which was basically a slasher mindfuck.  This sequel was better the second half.  The first half is almost like watching a remake with added characters.  And I don’t know why filmmakers always have to continuously add jump scares.  It’s more annoying than scary.  Yes, people will jump if the music gets loud when someone quickly appears on screen and the audience knows they’re watching a horror movie!  About the second half---dark woods, underground tunnels and an abandoned home are well-shot and made creepy.  Whether you hated or loved the original, and most people seemed to fit in one or the other, I don’t think you would feel any different about this version.  It’s decent to catch on Netflix/Redbox/OnDemand or discount times at the box office, but I think Hollywood should start churning out original stories.  9/18/2016

Buddymoon                                                                 G
Instead of honeymoon, get it?  After one guy’s fiancé leaves him before their wedding, him and his buddy (get it now?) do the planned honeymoon:  7 days hiking in the Pacific Northwest woods.  I was reminded of an indie film called Old Joy, which was basically about 2 guys going to hot springs in the same region.  Nothing much happened but it was fun tagging along with them.  Literally a slice-of-life.  I mostly felt the same about this movie.  9/20/2016

Careful What You Wish For                                        B
I didn’t know this was another Wild Things sequel.  I also don’t know why I thought an erotic thriller starring one of the Jonas Brothers would be remotely decent.  I like to be surprised.  (Wishful thinking sucks).  I know it’s hard to be original in any genre but I have to be thoroughly engaged and like most of the characters.  The setting was nice, that’s it.  9/18/2016

From Afar                                                                   OK
Latin American film about a complicated relationship between a young thug and an older gentleman (probably old enough to be street kid’s Grandpa).  Young boy is, seemingly at first, only in it for the money.  Grandpa may have been playing all along when you see how everything unfolds.  I just wish it wasn’t so boring.  9/18/2016

The Nice Guys                                                             OK
This starts off fun and looks like it could’ve been made in the late ‘70s (when it takes place).  It overstays its welcome though.  I thought it was over twice before it actually was.  9/23/2016

Popstar:  Never Stop Never Stopping                         OK
I didn’t hate this movie.  Some of it was funny.  Some of it was trying too hard to be funny.  I would rather watch this mockumentary than a documentary on some real artists, like the Biebs.  9/15/2016

Take Me to the River                                                   G/VG

What begins as a coming-of-age and hinted coming out tale involving a California clan attending a family reunion in Nebraska takes an unexpected turn with dark undertones.  The film is surprisingly suspenseful for being relatively action-less.  The open-endedness makes it more sinister.  You certainly won’t be singing any version of the titular song when you find out what the title possibly refers to.  Indie surprise!  9/14/2016

Urge                                                                            EH/OK
If you introduce a drug with promises of no hangover effect and feeling like you’ve never felt BUT you can only do it once, do you really think people are gonna stop at one time?  Watch this movie and find out what happens if you get seconds.  Or don’t, which is where my vote predominantly rests.  This begins as a lame-o “old friends getting together and spending vacation on an island with tensions and jealousies lingering in the air” film.  The second half is better and mildly disturbing when you see all the damage done as a result of taking the titular drug.  It ends abruptly though and left me feeling empty.  Watch Requiem for a Dream if you want to see a better (and more disturbing) movie dealing with drugs causing disastrous results.  9/23/2016

---Sean O.

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