Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Leprechaun Returns

In case you haven’t seen the intro from my entry dated 1/26/19 (it’s in my archives whenever you want to read it), I’m no longer going to review every single movie I see.  I’m going to review one, with the occasional bonus, and just give ratings for the rest from now on (unless I decide to pick it up again in the future).  You can always ask me why I gave the ratings for the films without reviews though (via comments or the e-mail addresses under the ‘About Me’ section).

Leprechaun Returns                                                    OK/G
This is the 8th film in the franchise if you include the 7th one (Origins) which had nothing to do with the others in that it involved the mythology surrounding the Irish creature that didn’t quite resemble the cinematic icon played by Warwick Davis.  Mr. Davis didn’t return for this entry (you can find out why if you research), but the pint-sized demon (played here by Linden Porco) still contains the same wit (at least attempted) while causing murderous mayhem in search of that fabled pot of gold.  Much like the latest Halloween, this sequel ignores all the other sequels and is a direct sequel to the first film, even taking place at the same exact house (or at least a good replica).  I am a fan of Leprechaun.  I take the sequels for what they are---low expectation diversions---and don’t recall disliking any of them, even the two in the ‘Hood, except for maybe the one in space (part 4) only because I’m not the biggest fan of space-set films (horror or otherwise), but I don’t even recall despising that one (I actually didn’t hate Jason X because the violence was exemplary).  That being said, I didn’t expect much from this sequel premiering on the SyFy channel other than the Leprechaun returning and killing people, which is exactly what happened (here, a group of college students using the house from Leprechaun for a project) and I don’t know what any other fans expect either, or even anyone that’s just seen them all.  I probably could give this a G rating, but I guess the split comes from the fact that it’s still a sequel and felt like one.  I’m still recommending it though, mainly for the fans.  It does contain the expected violence with both red and green blood and most of its worthy, some slightly reminiscent of early Peter Jackson efforts.  There’s also a worthy homage to Army of Darkness.  I never thought I would say this and I don’t care what anyone says, but I can actually say this was a much more enjoyable direct sequel than the last Halloween movie.  Take from that what you will.  3/18/2019

Bonus review:

Climax                                                                         G
Gaspar Noe, the experimental French (Argentine-born) filmmaker.  He’s given us the experimental yet stylish and effective Irreversible which contains a brutally realistic rape scene rivaling, if not surpassing, those in the original I Spit on Your Grave.  I was a fan of that film.  I remember Enter the Void being trippy as fuck but also lengthy as fuck.  I have yet to see Love but one of these days I’ll get around to it (it’s currently available on Netflix and rated NC-17 so what am I waiting for?).  This is his latest project involving a group of dancers having a party before everything goes to shit as a result of someone spiking the sangria.  Oh, it is a French film if my mentioning of the filmmaker didn’t register, so there are subtitles for those not fluent in French; there’re just a very few parts in English.  The premise sounds as simple as they come and has likely occurred at many a party (high school or otherwise), but this is 110% style and not exactly for all tastes being that Mr. Noe is behind it.  You don’t see what the altered characters see firsthand, but you do witness how they’re all affected and occasionally feel as if you yourself are drugged up (credit to the cinematographers).  It didn’t end up being as disturbing as it could’ve been or as I anticipated, although it surely has its moments, but the film definitely had my attention and for that I’m certain.  3/18/2019

Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):

Await Further Instructions  >>>G

Piercing  >>>EH

The Possession of Hannah Grace  >>>EH

Spider-Man:  Into the Spider-Verse  >>>EH

---Sean O.

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