Wednesday, November 23, 2016

Mooby Reviews 11/23/16

Current movie reviews:

Arrival                                                                         G
We actually do get to see the aliens right away (within the first half hour) and they are awesome!  They’re tentacled Lovecraftian beings that look like they could do some major fucking damage if need be.  Therein lies the problem I had and what others might have as well.  Don’t expect any action like Independence Day, Fire in the Sky or (ahem) Mars Attacks!  This is strictly a thinking person’s film that’s more poetic than anarchic.  There’s nothing entirely wrong with that if the movie works.  I was intrigued mostly.  It’s basically a dramatic sci-fi picture that’s equal parts ominous and saptastic (but in the right way).  11/16/2016

Fort Tilden                                                                  EH/OK

Well, if Beavis and Butthead were live-action women in their 20’s, these girls would come close.  Only difference is we’re laughing with Beavis and Butthead, these women we’re laughing at.  I don’t know if they were aware of their idiocy or just acted naturally sans qualms.  Seriously, how dense can you be to purchase a trash can barrel from a bum for $200 when it wasn’t even his? Or ask for iced coffee at a convenience store, watch them simply put ice cubes into cups of hot coffee, accept it, pay for it and then immediately trash it when exiting the store?  Or notice a kid eyeballing your bike outside a store, watch him loosen the chain, get on and ride away while continuing to stand in line at the register?  At least the girl behind them was able to notice how dumb these girls were.  Aside from all that, some part of me enjoyed the trip they took, wondered what hardship was to befall them next, and wanted to see where it was all headed.  I also liked how uninhibited they were, like me.  I just wish they weren’t such stupid bitches.  11/23/2016

The Good Neighbor                                                    G
The Good Neighbor was actually good.  I was thoroughly engaged.  Sure, there’s elements of other movies like Rear Window, Disturbia, Alone with Her and others involving hidden cameras, but it had my attention and leaves no unanswered questions.  Next time you experience ghostly activity just remember that “Big Brother” might be watching and controlling.  It’s all fun and games until someone takes things the wrong way and someone dies.  The look on one of the actor’s faces at the very end shows that some people believe any media exposure is still exposure.  On a side note, I cracked up when hearing the plural of penis in a way I never heard before.  11/19/2016

Greetings                                                                     VB
Maybe I should stop adding (Netflix) recommendations or stop adding movies no one heard but sound good.  I guess it’s the feeling of having discovered an unknown movie and introducing it to the world (or at least people I know).  Columbus did NOT discover America, he invaded it.  There were people already living here so he didn’t “discover” it.  I do like “discovering” unknown movies that are actually good.  Lately I haven’t had any luck.  Since Ouija boards are currently all the rage, this 2007 movie came up on a list.  The “Ouija board” in question is just a small round table with nothing written on it and a glass cup used as the planchette.  As for the story, I’m guessing it’s about a “ghost” that locks several people in a house.  Various messages are split up and appear in several places like a mirror, book and even someone’s hand.  Menstrual blood is involved too somehow.  Don’t ask.  I lost interest way before that.  This movie was only 71 minutes but it felt like 271 minutes.  Instead of greeting this movie, bid adieu.  Let it stay in obscurity and allow no one else to “discover” it.  11/17/2016

Independence Day:  Resurgence                                 VB/B
Lately it seems sequels are made decades later instead of a year or two apart.  In this case, time doesn’t seem to heal bad sequels.  I was only half a fan of Independence Day.  I remember seeing it theatrically upon its release back in 1996 (I saw it in the cheap theater where movies were shown right before being released on video).  I enjoyed parts of it, hated parts of it and ultimately thought it was too long.  Thankfully, this movie wasn’t as long but it was still long enough.  I knew it wasn’t a good sign when I wanted this to be over right away.  Ironically, I prefer the inaction of Arrival (see above) over the action (entirely ineffective) of this.  I hated this movie.  The only thing I sorta liked was the Queen alien but that was too little too late.  If a third movie is made, whether 20 years from now or not, I hope it’s a lot better than this poop.  11/17/2016

Mojave                                                                                    EH
I got nothing out of this cat-and-mouse thriller.  I kept thinking it was going to get better but it ended before that could happen.  When it was over I felt like it was only part of the story.  Mark Wahlberg has an embarrassingly awful supporting role.  I feel like I’m being too kind by giving it an EH rating.  11/19/2016

Most Likely To Die                                                      OK/G
People like me (and horror fans) don’t watch slasher films expecting a masterpiece, or a well-written script for that matter.  We know beforehand they’re meant to be brainless bloody fun.  Sure, there’s many worse than others and some really good ones (Halloween, Black Christmas, Sleepaway Camp, etc.), but we generally know we’re about to see a group of people getting offed at a specific location.  It all comes down to the execution, characterization, gore, weaponry utilized, and the way the deaths occur.  I personally have an odd fascination with sharp weapons (knives, axes, machetes, etc.) and love to see them used in horror films.  It’s safe to say this film doesn’t entirely disappoint.  The killer has a creative way of eliminating his victims.  Everyone’s senior picture with their superlative (hence the title) written beneath hangs on the wall where the mini-ten year reunion is taking place.  Each one is killed relatively close to their superlative.  The kills are worthy enough.  I particularly like the “graduation cap knife.”  It meanders quite a bit and leaves open the possibility for a sequel like so many other body count films, but I think true (and not too picky) fans are most likely to enjoy11/17/2016

Satanic                                                                                    OK
I liked this at first.  It seemed like a fun movie about a group of friends visiting historical atrocity sites, only to befall something horrific eventually.  With a title like that, you know things aren’t going to end well for at least some of the characters.  Just a matter of how and when.  It loses steam in the middle but picks back up at the end.  The ending is slightly ambiguous and frustrating but the final scene is quite chilling.  I wanted more though.  11/21/2016

Shut In                                                                         OK
As of now, and before seeing it, this has a 0% rating on Rotten Tomatoes.  That’s why I was hoping I’d like it.  I figured out the twist right away.  I’ve seen too many movies to not figure out several outcomes for modern movies.  The reasoning behind the twist does make for a compelling psychological drama albeit a slightly twisted one.  Creepy houses especially surrounded by woods always get to me too.  Ironically, that’s my idea of a dream home; I like woods (I’m equally fascinated and frightened by them).  Anyway, while I don’t share the overall disdain as my fellow critics, I’m not entirely recommending it.  You don’t need to see it on the big screen, even during bargain times.  Wait to rent it from Redbox for $1.50 or free with a complimentary code, or get it through Netflix (most plans probably equal a little over $1 a movie if you return them regularly).  11/15/2016

---Sean O.

Sunday, November 13, 2016

Mooby Reviews 11/14/16

Here's my newest film critiques:

Carnage Park                                                             OK
Yet another survival horror flick claiming to be based on true events.  The title says it all.  It takes place in a desert park where carnage occurs, most of it only showing the results.  I liked this in the beginning.  It had a good set-up that quickly deviates plotlines and has on-screen carnage.  It quickly gets tedious even at 80 minutes.  11/12/2016

Dead on Campus                                                        EH/OK
Sorority initiation gone wrong.  Cover-up.  Queen B.  threatens blackmail.  Queen B. put in her place Cruel Intentions-style after being video-recorded and exposed.  Yup, that’s it.  I actually got slightly involved at first.  I liked the characters.  Everything happens too quickly during the second half and the movie is abruptly over.  Dead on Arrival11/14/2016

Fender Bender                                                            G
The second feature by director Mark Pavia (I’m actually facebook friends with him, Cheers!).  His first was The Night Flier which is probably one of the best Stephen King adaptations, one of the best vampire movies and extremely underrated.  That was almost 20 years ago!  Here’s an ode to 80’s slasher movies in which the killer has a unique way of picking his victims.  You might think twice about exchanging information the next time someone bumps your car from behind.  There’s nothing wholly original here but neither were most of the films emulated.  I believe that was the intention.  Nothing more, nothing less.  It’s a stylish slasher film that pulls no punches and doesn’t waste time with too much filler.  Not as good as The Night Flier, but please don’t wait another 20 years to make a third movie, Mark.  You clearly know how to make them.  11/13/2016

Grim                                                                            B

I remember seeing this VHS (yes I still remember when video stores only carried those) on the shelves back when it came out in 1995.  I remember thinking it looked stupid and didn’t rent it.  That’s funny considering all the other stupid shit I regularly saw back then.  I always remember stupid shit for some reason.  Occasionally I’ll remember a movie I saw back in the day and want to re-watch it or watch for the first time in this case.  I either read about old movies or come across them in lists people make (i.e. Top Ten Christmas Horror Movies).  Sometimes I remember disliking a movie during my younger years but liking them now with an older set of eyes and mind.  Here, I doubt my early teen self would’ve felt much different than my current 30’s self.  The creature isn’t too bad looking.  The movie is very bad.  The acting is atrocious and more wooden than a newly-built log cabin (I know, my analogies are infantile but I’m at a sixth grade reading level).  The creature resembles a rabid ape that acts relatively human in stance, mobility and the way it kills randomly and sparingly instead of instinctively.  There’s also an item that inexplicably allows some of the humans to think and act like the creature.  I must’ve missed an explanation if there was one.  Movies like this should become obsolete like the VHS copy I saw 20 years ago.  11/10/2016

Hard Target                                                                OK
I never saw this JCVD movie from 1993 until now.  I saw a preview for Hard Target 2.  It looked good but I had to see the first one beforehand.  I don’t see how someone can be shot publicly during Mardi Gras and also in broad daylight in downtown NOLA and escape easily.  Then again, this is an action movie directed by John Woo.  Real world logic doesn’t apply here.  It’s meant to be brainless fun.  Sometimes it is.  Too much action can also be boring.  Sometimes it is.  11/9/2016

Hard Target 2                                                             OK
Seeing the preview containing Scott Adkins and actually looking good spiked my interest.  Seeing it was a sequel and never saw the predecessor (see above), my OCD made me have to watch Hard Target first.  This doesn’t really have any similarities to the first one other than revolving around a guy running for his life, this time in Myanmar instead of New Orleans.  No one from the first appears here.  Lance Henriksen’s ruthless psycho is replaced by the scary-looking guy from Prison Break (seriously, he looks like a live-action version of the evil magician from Frosty the Snowman).  Scott teams up with a local chick and they protect each other while trying to save themselves.  So I guess there’s some similarities to Hard Target and countless other action thrillers.  Much like the first, there’s some fun to be had but also boredom resulting from tedium.  Scott Adkins is nice to look at too, especially when he’s shirtless for the first quarter.  Well, if they make a third one 23 years from now I guess I’ll watch it.  I’ll just have to re-watch these 2 again because I won’t likely remember a single thing from either, other than how good Mr. Adkins looked.  11/10/2016

Ouija Summoning                                                       EH
Ouija boards are certainly making a comeback.  I’m more fascinated by the boards themselves than most movies they’re featured in.  Yeah, I enjoyed the recent Ouija:  Origin of Evil enough and I like other movies where they make an appearance, like Paranormal Activity and What Lies Beneath.  I still don’t think they’ve ever truly been given cinematic justice though.  I had a free Redbox code to use by the end of the day.  This movie with Ouija in the title had to do.  The ghost is admittedly frightening but this is basically a slasher film in which we’re told who’s about to get it each time.  Lame.  Un-suspenseful.  I’m beginning to think any movie with Ouija in the title or involving them is cursed like the boards themselves.  11/12/2016

31                                                                                EH/OK
Rob Zombie.  Most people either love him or hate him.  I don’t love him but I’m more of an admirer than detractor.  I liked a fair portion of his music with White Zombie and his early years as a solo artist.  I enjoyed House of 1000 Corpses and its sequel, The Devil’s Rejects.  I hated Halloween and Halloween II before watching them but didn’t despise them as much as others.  They were well-made, stylish and gory but I still prefer any of the original franchise sequels; they were so-bad-its-good.  I liked The Lords of Salem better the second time.  All in all, I think he’s an interesting person and I’m willing to hear or watch anything he’s involved in.  When I heard his next film was about evil clowns killing people on Halloween, I was more excited than a shark attending the Polar Bear Plunge.  Rob, this movie was disappointing!  There’s no clowns here, just psycho freaks wearing make-up!  This was basically a Running Man-type, microcosmic Purge geek show.  The characters are generally annoying trailer trash, both the victims and villains.  The attacks are poorly executed except for maybe the chainsaw duo.  The various monologues are hackneyed and juvenile.  Some parts are incomprehensible, such as a Nazi midget speaking Spanish (?!) and a killer stating “In Hell, everyone loves popcorn.”  Really?  Never heard that one before, nor does it make a modicum of sense.  Rob, looks like the saying is all yours!  However, underneath all this dreck is a film I somewhat liked and wanted to like.  It has its moments of stylized brutality Mr. Zombie is very good at delivering.  If I watch it again, it won’t be right away.  I have no desire to.  Better luck next time Rob!  11/6/2016

What We Become                                                        EH
Danish zombie movie.  They look more like vampires but can’t be since they’re mesmerized by light.  It’s well made but not much different than many other undead tales.  It’s boring too.  11/6/2016

---Sean O.

Friday, November 4, 2016

Mooby Reviews 11/4/16

Current movie reviews (mixture of recent and older flicks):

Animal                                                                         G

A group of people take a hike in the woods.  It gets dark.  A creature attacks one of them.  They happen to run into a cabin.  They take shelter.  One by one the creature makes snacks of them.  Sound familiar?  However, the creatures are practical:  +.  The creature doesn’t look too bad:  +.  (It’s almost an amalgamation of Pumpkinhead and the Feast monsters.  Come to think of it, that’s pretty much the set-up here:  The setting evoked Pumpkinhead while the action closely resembles Feast)  There’s plenty of gore, not stomach churning:  +.  Yes, it’s slightly banal (my rating is a VERY marginal G, it almost took some effort to get rid of the OK attached) but I had fun with it and I don’t think horror fans or anyone knowing what they’re getting into will expect anything less.  10/29/2016

Cherry Tree (The Devil’s Sorceress)                           OK
Titled Cherry Tree on Netflix (and originally) but called The Devil’s Sorceress through Redbox.  The Devil’s Sorceress makes it sound too much like a run-of-the-mill direct-to-video pseudo-satanic yarn.  I like Cherry Tree better because it contradicts the dark subject matter and bears significance to the story.  Taking place in Ireland I assume (somewhere over there), this film about witches incorporates elements of a teen movie, Rosemary’s Baby and Hellraiser.  It’s surprisingly well done with worthy special effects yet still feels empty.  The best witch movie is Suspiria which was made in 1977!  Why can’t there be any new witch movies worth raving about and watching more than once?  Sure, I enjoyed films like The Craft and Wicked Lake but they’re merely diverting and far from masterpieces.  I liked The Witches mostly when I was younger but that’s not a horror movie.  The Wizard of Oz has witches in it but it’s not strictly a witch movie!  I don’t count The Blair Witch Project since it’s only based on legend and we don’t actually see a witch.  Perhaps I can do better?  One day I have to write a story involving witches that I would like to see if made into a movie.  Or, the recent Wytches (Image) comic should be adapted.  I did enjoy that.  10/30/2016

Dementia                                                                     OK/G

Starts off as one movie but quickly deviates into another not far in.  Luckily the revelations are revealed shortly after the viewer figures them out; otherwise you would prematurely anticipate the ending when the characters realize what you figured out much sooner.  It’s still somewhat trite but does end on a downer, therefore it gets a G tacked onto the original OK rating.  10/29/2016

Holidays                                                                      G
Oh, anthology horror films, how I love thee.  Each one taking place on a holiday.  Awesome idea.  The results aren’t necessarily grade A but I reveled more than suffered.  It’s never swell having more duds than gems in an anthology.  I like the brevity of each segment in that they don’t overstay their welcome and aren’t blips hard to invest in like the ABCs of Death series.  Naturally some are better than others with most being simply average.  “Valentine’s Day” is predictable but no less disturbing.  “St. Patrick’s Day” is basically a twisted Irish Rosemary’s Baby that’s truly bizarre!  “Easter” has a pretty gnarly creature.  “Mother’s Day” is the weakest entry that I feel was a bit anticlimactic.  “Father’s Day” is probably the best one, being eerie and open-ended.  “Halloween” was interesting with brutal implications courtesy of Kevin Smith.  “Christmas” was a corny albeit fun Tales from the Darkside-ish segment.  Finally, “New Year’s Eve” is a standard hunter-becomes-the-hunted/there’s-always-someone-out-there-crazier-than-you Hard Candy-ish yarn that’s still worth watching for the bloodshed alone.  Not a bad selection.  I can see this becoming a franchise with different takes on each holiday, some omitted ones added in future installments (Turkey Day, Arbor Day, April Fools Day, etc.).  Pick and choose which holiday you wanna celebrate here, you’re bound to enjoy at least one.  11/2/2016

Mom’s Got a Date with a Vampire                             OK
I decided to watch this Disney channel movie (from 2000?!!) because it was free on demand.  There’s also something mildly diverting about cheesy kiddie horror-comedies. (After all, I could’ve chose to watch something else for free) These movies are the best way to introduce feeble young minds to the horror genre.  Corny, yes, but any age can enjoy especially if you’re looking for something to do.  I was reminded of Fred 2:  Night of the Living Fred starring that crazy YouTube star, Lucas Cruikshank; I thought that movie was better if you want my suggestion.  11/1/2016

MSF:  Male Seeking Female                                       EH
Briefly reading the synopsis I expected another “dollar store” rehash of Fatal Attraction and pretty much got it.  While not the worst of its ilk, it pretty much delivers exactly what I expected.  Nothing else.  F.Y.I.  My expectations were low.  I can’t complain too much since it was free but I could demand the filmmakers add 90 more minutes to my life.  10/29/2016

Nas:  Time is Illmatic                                                  OK

Nas is probably one of the best hardcore rappers still making music today.  He is intelligent while delivering a brutally honest message about street life enveloped in a humanistic manner.  Running a scant 74 minutes, everything from how his parents met, to his family moving to New York from the South, to beginning his career are included.  Not a bad success story for a high school dropout.  It’s a shame this biopic doesn’t differentiate from other rags-to-riches tales.  If Nas’ movie ruled them all, imagine that!  10/29/2016

Nerve                                                                           G
Pretty simplistic story geared towards the modern generation glued to their various social media outlets in this digital age.  The ending may be a little dull, but there’s a modicum of suspense sprinkled throughout and I thoroughly enjoyed it.  10/29/2016

Ouija:  Origin of Evil                                                  G
I had absolutely no intention to see this sequel (prequel actually) to the below average (but not as bad as everyone said it was) Ouija.  None!  At least not right away…in the theater.  Curiosity got the better of me when I read positive reviews from horror writers and fans that despised the first one (or second technically).  Turns out they were right.  Not excellent and not even best picture of the year, but I actually did enjoy this film more than Ouija.  Admittedly creepy at times, both visually and implicatively.  Writing professors say the most effective storytelling technique is to “show not tell” but there’s instances here where telling freaked me out enough to spare the showing.  (Another good example is in Jaws where Quint explains what happened in the USS Indianapolis incident---probably the creepiest part of the film)  Make sure you stay until the end of the credits or fast forward if you wait to see it on the small screen.  11/1/2016  

The Purge:  Election Year                                           G
Third time is supposed to be a charm right?  Blah, blah, blah.  I enjoyed the first Purge film but felt something was missing.  The second film added that missing element.  Here, the third time, it kept that missing element and stayed put.  You would think after two films, they would’ve went all out this time.  Usually sequels are meant to outdo the preceding entries or fail at attempting.  While I did enjoy this threequel and blood was surely shed, it loses steam midway and skimps out on the gore throughout.  I wanted more of the red stuff!  Perfect timing for the current Election Year.  There’s endless ways to make one of these movies.  Make it leaner and bloodier next time!  10/30/2016

Twitches                                                                      EH
Yes, I used to watch Sister, Sister way back in the early 90’s when it premiered.  I was a prepubescent and loved it.  The twins, Tia and Tamara Mowry, from that show play witches (twin witches, get it?) separated at birth and reuniting on their 21st birthdays, which also happens to be Halloween.  It was part of the Disney channel Halloween specials on demand and was free so I said why the hell not?  I’m open-minded, love Disney and kid-friendly entertainment.  This is standard, harmless, childish fare squarely for tweens and probably some teens.  It felt a lot longer than 87 minutes though.  11/3/2016
Twitches Too                                                               VB
Well, it was free and I had to watch it if I just watched the first one.  I thought the first one was lame?  This was 1,000 times worse!  In a review above I complained about the lack of witches in cinema.  Shit like this will continue to neglect them.  This wasn’t even really a witch movie.  It was just girls with magic powers like the first one.  This was more like a princess movie.  There’s nothing wrong with that (I’m open-minded) but I would hope a movie about anything would be better than this.  I hope they don’t make Twitches Three because my OCD would make me have to watch it.  If so, please don’t tell me about it.  11/4/2016

Within                                                                          OK
This had a decent set-up.  I sometimes feel like someone is watching from behind and will disappear when I turn around.  It begins as a semi-creepy haunted house film but the midway revelation is a bit of a letdown.  I actually liked the characters though and it doesn’t end on a positive note---points!  Just decent.  11/3/2016

---Sean O.