Sunday, November 13, 2016

Mooby Reviews 11/14/16

Here's my newest film critiques:

Carnage Park                                                             OK
Yet another survival horror flick claiming to be based on true events.  The title says it all.  It takes place in a desert park where carnage occurs, most of it only showing the results.  I liked this in the beginning.  It had a good set-up that quickly deviates plotlines and has on-screen carnage.  It quickly gets tedious even at 80 minutes.  11/12/2016

Dead on Campus                                                        EH/OK
Sorority initiation gone wrong.  Cover-up.  Queen B.  threatens blackmail.  Queen B. put in her place Cruel Intentions-style after being video-recorded and exposed.  Yup, that’s it.  I actually got slightly involved at first.  I liked the characters.  Everything happens too quickly during the second half and the movie is abruptly over.  Dead on Arrival11/14/2016

Fender Bender                                                            G
The second feature by director Mark Pavia (I’m actually facebook friends with him, Cheers!).  His first was The Night Flier which is probably one of the best Stephen King adaptations, one of the best vampire movies and extremely underrated.  That was almost 20 years ago!  Here’s an ode to 80’s slasher movies in which the killer has a unique way of picking his victims.  You might think twice about exchanging information the next time someone bumps your car from behind.  There’s nothing wholly original here but neither were most of the films emulated.  I believe that was the intention.  Nothing more, nothing less.  It’s a stylish slasher film that pulls no punches and doesn’t waste time with too much filler.  Not as good as The Night Flier, but please don’t wait another 20 years to make a third movie, Mark.  You clearly know how to make them.  11/13/2016

Grim                                                                            B

I remember seeing this VHS (yes I still remember when video stores only carried those) on the shelves back when it came out in 1995.  I remember thinking it looked stupid and didn’t rent it.  That’s funny considering all the other stupid shit I regularly saw back then.  I always remember stupid shit for some reason.  Occasionally I’ll remember a movie I saw back in the day and want to re-watch it or watch for the first time in this case.  I either read about old movies or come across them in lists people make (i.e. Top Ten Christmas Horror Movies).  Sometimes I remember disliking a movie during my younger years but liking them now with an older set of eyes and mind.  Here, I doubt my early teen self would’ve felt much different than my current 30’s self.  The creature isn’t too bad looking.  The movie is very bad.  The acting is atrocious and more wooden than a newly-built log cabin (I know, my analogies are infantile but I’m at a sixth grade reading level).  The creature resembles a rabid ape that acts relatively human in stance, mobility and the way it kills randomly and sparingly instead of instinctively.  There’s also an item that inexplicably allows some of the humans to think and act like the creature.  I must’ve missed an explanation if there was one.  Movies like this should become obsolete like the VHS copy I saw 20 years ago.  11/10/2016

Hard Target                                                                OK
I never saw this JCVD movie from 1993 until now.  I saw a preview for Hard Target 2.  It looked good but I had to see the first one beforehand.  I don’t see how someone can be shot publicly during Mardi Gras and also in broad daylight in downtown NOLA and escape easily.  Then again, this is an action movie directed by John Woo.  Real world logic doesn’t apply here.  It’s meant to be brainless fun.  Sometimes it is.  Too much action can also be boring.  Sometimes it is.  11/9/2016

Hard Target 2                                                             OK
Seeing the preview containing Scott Adkins and actually looking good spiked my interest.  Seeing it was a sequel and never saw the predecessor (see above), my OCD made me have to watch Hard Target first.  This doesn’t really have any similarities to the first one other than revolving around a guy running for his life, this time in Myanmar instead of New Orleans.  No one from the first appears here.  Lance Henriksen’s ruthless psycho is replaced by the scary-looking guy from Prison Break (seriously, he looks like a live-action version of the evil magician from Frosty the Snowman).  Scott teams up with a local chick and they protect each other while trying to save themselves.  So I guess there’s some similarities to Hard Target and countless other action thrillers.  Much like the first, there’s some fun to be had but also boredom resulting from tedium.  Scott Adkins is nice to look at too, especially when he’s shirtless for the first quarter.  Well, if they make a third one 23 years from now I guess I’ll watch it.  I’ll just have to re-watch these 2 again because I won’t likely remember a single thing from either, other than how good Mr. Adkins looked.  11/10/2016

Ouija Summoning                                                       EH
Ouija boards are certainly making a comeback.  I’m more fascinated by the boards themselves than most movies they’re featured in.  Yeah, I enjoyed the recent Ouija:  Origin of Evil enough and I like other movies where they make an appearance, like Paranormal Activity and What Lies Beneath.  I still don’t think they’ve ever truly been given cinematic justice though.  I had a free Redbox code to use by the end of the day.  This movie with Ouija in the title had to do.  The ghost is admittedly frightening but this is basically a slasher film in which we’re told who’s about to get it each time.  Lame.  Un-suspenseful.  I’m beginning to think any movie with Ouija in the title or involving them is cursed like the boards themselves.  11/12/2016

31                                                                                EH/OK
Rob Zombie.  Most people either love him or hate him.  I don’t love him but I’m more of an admirer than detractor.  I liked a fair portion of his music with White Zombie and his early years as a solo artist.  I enjoyed House of 1000 Corpses and its sequel, The Devil’s Rejects.  I hated Halloween and Halloween II before watching them but didn’t despise them as much as others.  They were well-made, stylish and gory but I still prefer any of the original franchise sequels; they were so-bad-its-good.  I liked The Lords of Salem better the second time.  All in all, I think he’s an interesting person and I’m willing to hear or watch anything he’s involved in.  When I heard his next film was about evil clowns killing people on Halloween, I was more excited than a shark attending the Polar Bear Plunge.  Rob, this movie was disappointing!  There’s no clowns here, just psycho freaks wearing make-up!  This was basically a Running Man-type, microcosmic Purge geek show.  The characters are generally annoying trailer trash, both the victims and villains.  The attacks are poorly executed except for maybe the chainsaw duo.  The various monologues are hackneyed and juvenile.  Some parts are incomprehensible, such as a Nazi midget speaking Spanish (?!) and a killer stating “In Hell, everyone loves popcorn.”  Really?  Never heard that one before, nor does it make a modicum of sense.  Rob, looks like the saying is all yours!  However, underneath all this dreck is a film I somewhat liked and wanted to like.  It has its moments of stylized brutality Mr. Zombie is very good at delivering.  If I watch it again, it won’t be right away.  I have no desire to.  Better luck next time Rob!  11/6/2016

What We Become                                                        EH
Danish zombie movie.  They look more like vampires but can’t be since they’re mesmerized by light.  It’s well made but not much different than many other undead tales.  It’s boring too.  11/6/2016

---Sean O.

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