Saturday, January 25, 2020

The Addams Family/It's Here

In case you haven’t seen the intro from my entry dated 1/26/19 (it’s in my archives whenever you want to read it), I’m no longer going to review every single movie I see.  I’m going to review one, with the occasional bonus, and just give ratings for the rest from now on (unless I decide to pick it up again in the future).  You can always ask me why I gave the ratings for the films without reviews though (via comments or the e-mail addresses under the ‘About Me’ section).

The Addams Family                                                    OK/G
I wasn’t 100% enthused to see this due to being another tie-in and that the animation looked too modern (meaning “crappy” in my eyes).  Yes, the animation was very modern, but this update featuring the “creepy, kooky, mysterious, spooky, and altogether ooky” family actually wasn’t that bad.  I noticed more homages to Tim Burton films than anything else, although it definitely didn’t look Burtonesque (again, the modern animation), such as Edward Scissorhands, Beetlejuice, Frankenweenie, and even a slight nod to Sleepy Hollow, but it all somehow seemed to work as opposed to ripping any of it off.  The message of overcoming differences and realizing everyone can coexist is definitely stale but will never be irrelevant as long as we are all different and differences are what make us unique (blah, blah, blah, although a very true statement).  It’s definitely not a perfect film, too silly at times for me, but a lot better than I thought it would be.  1/24/2020

It’s Here                                                                      OK
Look up the synopsis for this film on (say) and you’ll get this description:  “…This clown-themed anthology features some of the most frightening shorts ever made…When clowns come to town, smiles turn upside down in this fright-fest…”  Notice the words “clown-themed” and “clowns?” You’ll also notice, when you look up the movie on that aforementioned website, that the cover features a clown on it.  Upon hearing of this film, I was in because I love horror movies, I love anthology films, and I love evil clowns.  Well, it is an anthology film and a horror film, but clowns aren’t involved 100% of the time.  Pardon my language (whatever), but I fucking hate false fucking advertising!  Clowns do appear though and the appearance of a Creepshow 2 poster suggests the filmmakers understand what makes a good anthology film.  It begins with a tale that doesn’t involve clowns, but was fine-ish on its own, before one featuring a mime that actually ends up being a bit creative.  If you’ve seen evil clown movies before, the segment in which a babysitter finds out the owner doesn’t own a creepy life-size clown will be old news by now, but the clown itself is really creepy (for coulrophobes), making it watchable (for evil clown lovers).  Then there’s a visually fascinating snippet of a clown putting makeup on before something happens to him.  Another one, the one featuring the Creepshow 2 poster, had a Ring-ish vibe to it and was largely underdeveloped (I’m not sure if the demon was supposed to be a clown or not either).  One tale about a skeptical radio host receiving calls from certain people was generally compelling, but there was no clown!  That was followed by another decent vignette which began as a creature feature and ended as a different one, but clowns weren’t involved!  At the very end, there’s a clip featuring two clowns running from something only to end up in a fateful situation.  So, like I said, there are clowns here but not in all the tales and the segments collectively, for the most part, are passable, I guess…you could do worse.  I’m still pissed I was promised a “clown-themed anthology” and not all the tales involved clowns though!  Currently available on Tubi (free TV for those unaware) and barely over an hour.  1/24/2020

Bonus review:

Countdown                                                                  OK
(haiku review)
App gives time of death.
Final Destination clone?
Kind of, but not quite.  1/24/2020

Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):

Sweetheart  >>>OK
            *(I actually saw this almost a month ago but forgot to include it 2 blogs ago...)*

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