Saturday, October 8, 2016

Mooby Reviews 10/8/2016

Current film reviews:

Cell                                                                              OK

Another Stephen King adaptation.  Therefore, I had to see it no matter what.  I read the book when it first came out ten years ago.  I remember thinking it had good characterization (which Mr. King is known and revered for) and a simultaneously disturbing/depressing ending.  That’s all I remembered before watching.  There’s really nothing to differentiate this from countless other apocalyptic tales.  It’s not the worst but far from the best.  Sometimes it works.  My biggest beef is with the ending.  It tries to be open-ended but is ultimately confusing and frustrating.  I suggest just reading the book, which also wasn’t one of the writer’s best.  My rating is marginally OK only because if you’re a Stephen King fan, you’re going to watch it anyway.  9/30/2016

Edge of Winter                                                            EH
The set-up seemed promising but lethargically leads to an unsatisfying conclusion.  9/30/2016

High-Rise                                                                    VB
Metaphorically incorporating social class amongst tenants in different levels of a (you guessed it) high-rise apartment building.  Eventually the building becomes apocalyptic with tenants destroying each other.  Apparently the end-of-the-world is only happening in this high-rise and not the outside world.  If it did happen globally I missed it due to not caring.  I hated this movie.  Hated every minute of it.  It is boring, messy and pointless.  Thanks for taking away 2 hours of my life I’ll never get back.  Thank you, as well, for being another contender for worst picture of 2016!  9/30/2016

Into the Forest                                                             OK
Oh, the many things we take for granted in modern society.  Electricity being the ultimate source.  The majority of people living now most likely wouldn’t be able to function without daily resources we rely on:  computers, cell phones, electricity of any kind, gas, etc.  It’s mentioned amongst the two protagonists (played by Evan Rachel Wood and Ellen Page) that humans have been around for roughly 100,000 years and electricity hasn’t even been around for 200.  That short period of time in humanity has spoiled modern civilization especially now and it makes me wonder what resources we’re going to have in 20-30 years.  If humans survived all those years without power, how come a power outage along the West Coast causes an apocalyptic scenario for the people in this movie?  The film answers that pretty well and it’s almost frightening how so much can change without electricity.  The film overstays its welcome for sure but it’s one of the many forewarnings of what we should be grateful for lest we lose it all one day.  10/8/2016

Miss Peregrine’s Home for Peculiar Children            G
I read the book not that long ago.  Only because I saw the movie was directed by Tim Burton and I wanted to get an idea of what to expect.  Tim Burton is one of my favorite directors.  There’s many but he’s definitely at the top.  I did like the book and envisioned many of it being directed by Tim Burton.  I tried hard not to expect the film to be 100% faithful which is hard after reading the book.  It’s probably just as hard vice versa considering you have visuals in mind.  The movie is thoroughly faithful with minute alterations.  Alterations I didn’t mind at all.  I did enjoy this film for the most part.  Some movies need to be seen more than once before being reviewed.  I will definitely watch this again in the future.  There was a lot to take in at first due to instinctive book-to-film comparisons.  Ultimately it was inventive, fun and contains several scenes with the apparent Tim Burton touch.  Even at 2 hours I still felt something may have been missing.  I read the book too!  If this wasn’t directed by Tim Burton I probably wouldn’t have felt the need to see it right away, or read the book for that matter.  Don’t be surprised if I revise this review after a second viewing in the future.  10/7/2016

Mother, May I Sleep with Danger?                             G
Tori Spelling?  James Franco?  Lifetime movie? Also produced by both of them?  I had to!  I probably saw the original TV movie of the same name (also starring that ugly bitch Tori Spelling---how dare she sue Benihana for getting burned, most likely her own damn fault) 20 years ago but can’t recall due to the countless other TV movies I watched during those years.  This movie was awesome! (laugh-out-loud)  Awesome in the sense I had no idea it involved vampires.  Awesome in the sense it had all the makings of a ‘90s TV movie usually aired on basic cable on weeknights, only several sanguineous shades better.  I can’t believe how bloody this movie was.  Twilight is mentioned in the beginning but Twilight this ain’t.  Twihard pussies would probably be repulsed.  However, this is still campy as hell.  It is not awesome in the sense it will become a cult classic.  It is not awesome in the sense it will make my Top Ten Best of 2016 list.  I probably won’t ever watch it again.  This is no masterpiece but I liked it because it defied my expectations immensely and was well worth the 25 cent Redbox rental.  10/1/2016

Swiss Army Man                                                         OK/G
Upon first hearing of this movie where “Harry Potter” farts continuously in the beginning, I had absolutely no desire to see this.  Curiosity got the better of me after reading reviews.  It’s strangely bizarre to have a corpse fly in the air and swim afloat propelled by flatulence.  Apparently no one thought of it before this though.  Other than the gassy bits and the more disturbing (in my opinion) parts where the protagonist drinks water spewing from the living corpse’s mouth (ick), there was quite a bit of inventiveness and I was never bored.  There’s sure to be differing interpretations about the ending.  I can probably say my rating is closer to G than OK for not being nearly as bad as I imagined, but it’s still too bizarre (flatulence typically never worked for me) to fully praise.  I’m not saying not to watch it though.  You’re apt not to forget it.  10/7/2016

They’re Watching                                                        OK/G
Americans visiting a foreign country that isn’t too welcoming.  Sound familiar?  That’s exactly how this thriller pans out during the first three-quarters.  Seen from the POV of a documentary crew’s footage for a TV show, my review began as EH.  That’s because more than half the movie involves the crew receiving threats and typical “get out” warnings from the East European locals.  I thought it would eventually lead to the tourists being slaughtered.  Things turn ominous in the beginning of the last quarter so my review inched up to OK.  The last quarter actually reveals a different outcome than expected and boy is blood shed!  That’s why my final review ended up being between OK and G.  25% of the running time isn’t quite enough to recommend a film but it’s somewhat worth the wait if you make it that far.  There’s also a weird shot at the end involving frogs that’s quite bizarre yet interesting to witness.  10/8/2016

13 Cameras                                                                 EH/OK
I feel like a broken record writing the same old reviews for the same old movies.  This is yet another modern thriller about a psycho (here a) landlord that installs hidden cameras (I didn’t count to see if it was actually 13) in a home about to be inhabited by a married couple.  He spies on them, enters the home when they’re not, feeds the dog table food, swims in the pool and keeps a woman locked up in the basement.  I don’t understand how people can be unaware of someone locked in a part of their house (muffled sound or not) especially if the person in question is missing.  Also, it takes the couple several days to realize one of their doors leads to a basement?!  I don’t know about any of you but if I just got a house, condo, whatever, I’d want to know where each door leads to and check every inch of the dwelling.  That’s just me.  I do get to know the main characters pretty well and there is a modicum (barely) of suspense.  That’s why my rating rests between EH and OK.  Like modern thrillers of this sort, the ending suggests a possible sequel that most likely won’t happen or go unnoticed if it does.  I certainly won’t care and I’ll probably forget about this movie before I watch the next similar thriller.  10/1/2016

---Sean O.

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