Wednesday, May 1, 2019

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina (Part 2)

In case you haven’t seen the intro from my entry dated 1/26/19 (it’s in my archives whenever you want to read it), I’m no longer going to review every single movie I see.  I’m going to review one, with the occasional bonus, and just give ratings for the rest from now on (unless I decide to pick it up again in the future).  You can always ask me why I gave the ratings for the films without reviews though (via comments or the e-mail addresses under the ‘About Me’ section).

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina:  Part 2               EH
I didn’t like the first part (they’re actually called parts instead of seasons) of Sabrina initially (check out my review in the, but after some convincing from fellow horror fans (both professional and non), I continued and ended up slightly enthralled, enough to want to keep watching.  This time, unfortunately, I wasn’t spellbound.  I actually put it off for over a week halfway through and forced myself to continue (never a good sign) since I made it this far and hoped it may have gotten better…it didn’t.  One of my complaints about the first part was the uneven combination of “teenybopper”-ness and dark.  Sadly, I would’ve actually preferred some of the teenybopper this time.  As for the dark, every time I thought it was going to lead somewhere, it didn’t last long and switched gears abruptly.  There was way too much going on this time with seemingly more romantic aspects as well as a bunch of listless dialogue.  This part consisted of nine episodes where the shortest was 54 minutes and the longest was 64---that definitely aided in making them all drag.  Shows can be just as effective in half the time (only an anthology show might be necessary for longer episodes).  Episode 4 was a bit interesting in that it took a Pulp Fiction/Go route by focusing on different characters in segments, but even that one had me checking the time.  The last episode (#9) had me thinking it may have gone somewhere dark but ultimately just ended up teasing me.  It’s already been confirmed there will be at least a part three and four.  The very end of this part suggested part three could be compelling, but I’ve been teased one time too many to think it might actually end up being worth it (sorry, cliffhangers don’t necessarily work for us seasoned viewers).  Given how much I disliked this season, it’s going to take much convincing and several review readings (something I try to avoid as much as possible beforehand) to make me tune in the next round.  Sorry (even though I shouldn’t apologize since I wasted my time), but I just wasn’t feeling it this season (or part).  Not one bit.  4/25/2019

Bonus review:

Serenity                                                                       G
This bears the same name as that 2005 movie based on the Firefly series (I, of course, hated it because I never watched Firefly), but this movie is quite different.  It involves a woman (played by Anne Hathaway) bribing a fisherman (played by Matthew McConaughey), whom she has a past and a son with, to murder her husband and make it look like an accident.  Sounds like a set-up for many a thriller we’ve all seen before, no?  This movie involves more than that though.  The revelations may not be too fresh, but it almost did feel fresh here and kind of worked in a slightly amateurish way.  I was kind of reminded of Identity, and if you saw that film and watch this, you might understand my comparison.  This wasn’t nearly as dark though, nor as good, but was still decent and generally well-thought out; surprisingly poignant too when all is said and done.  Proof you should always be your own critic (as I always emphasize) considering it only scored 19% based off 173 critics on Rotten Tomatoes.  5/1/2019

Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):

Green Book  >>>G

The Hole in the Ground  >>>OK/G

Trick or Treats  >>>OK

---Sean O.

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