Saturday, December 15, 2018

Mooby Reviews 12/15/18

I present to you my latest batch of film (and 1 TV special) criticisms...

Beauty Queen                                                              EH

I was informed of this short film via an e-mail from actor Timothy J. Cox, who plays the father here, asking me personally to review it and post it on this blog.  I was glad to considering he’s taken the time to read my reviews, but I asked him beforehand if he didn’t mind what I think since I’m generally brutally honest (especially with many modern movies) and he said it was fine.  Any kind of publicity, good or bad, is still publicity after all, and critics aren’t meant to be buddies with stars and filmmakers, at least in the business sense (that being said, let me know if you want to hang out if you’re ever in South Jersey!).  He ultimately wanted this movie to be seen, so if you can spare 18 minutes of your time, do him that favor.  Here is the link:  Now, even though this is only 18 minutes, and I do apologize Mr. Cox, I wasn’t exactly crazy about it.  It deals with a very real issue (body image) that will likely always be around, especially for young girls; boys too, they’re just brainwashed to hold all their emotions in.  This focuses on a teenage girl about to go to college while dealing with beauty issues and doesn’t appear to be ugly at all, but beauty is always in the eye of the beholder as they say.  And of course there’s the “inspirational” father-daughter pep talk every parent is expected to give their insecure child whether it makes them feel any better or not.  There is definitely an audience for this, and I do hope to aid in that Timothy, but it’s simply nothing I haven’t seen before regardless of length.  Again, thank you for reading my blogs Mr. Cox and personally considering me in reviewing one of your movies, and I’m really sorry I didn’t like this more than I hoped I would, but keep acting and good luck in everything you do!  12/10/2018

The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina:  A Midwinter’s             
Tale                                                                 OK
I reviewed the 10-episode series in my last blog entry and this was a standalone Christmas special just released.  I always loved when TV shows did Christmas episodes.  Those that didn’t watch the Netflix series need not apply here.  It won’t necessarily hurt if you watch this, but I don’t see why you would want to and you won’t know any of the characters (yes, this Christmas special assumes you’re aware of who’s who already).  Much like the rest of the series, this episode is equal parts corny and dark; not quite dark enough (for horror fans at least) but enough to not be entirely corny.  It involves ghostly impish children and a Santa demon creating its own “House of Wax.”  Those that liked the series (or at least watched it) are probably going to watch it regardless of what anyone says and why shouldn’t they?  Just don’t expect anything special (aside from being a Christmas special).  I don’t see why it had to be released apart from season one (released around Halloween).  Season two is already slated for April!  12/15/2018

The Christmas Chronicles                                           G
A new Christmas film from Netflix that is actually watchable?!  I do like Christmas movies, both family and non-family as I’ve mentioned before, so I always look forward to watching them even if they end up sucking (and boy do many of them).  I’ve always liked the season itself more than the actual day, even when I look back at my childhood---the lights and other festivities, the movies, the music (yes, even if the songs are played 800 times), my family’s tradition of going to Philly on Christmas Eve, the two-week break from school (it sucks that doesn’t continue as you get older).  The one day devoted to the entire season is undoubtedly commercialized wherein people often feel the need to get gifts whether they want to or not instead of just being together (and a holiday shouldn’t be a reason for that either).  Anyway, Kurt Russell plays Saint Nick here and an incident occurs after a brother and sister hop aboard his sleigh in Massachusetts and they end up stranded in Chicago.  Thus begins a journey through the Windy City to try and repair the sleigh, retrieve the bag of toys, and gather up all the reindeer in order to save Christmas.  Apparently if Santa doesn’t deliver all the presents in time, Christmas spirit will dwindle and civilization could possibly revert back to the Dark Ages (wow).  I was occasionally reminded of other holiday family films like The Santa Clause and Elf, this is better than the former and not quite as good as the latter, but it did manage to charm my dark heart for the time being.  It does have its sappy moments, especially at the end (predictably), but what do you expect from a family Christmas movie made in 2018?  12/3/2018

Crazy Rich Asians                                                       OK
I had to see this and give my take with all the buzz about it being the first studio film since The Joy Luck Club with a predominantly Asian cast (this one even more so).  Now since I’m not Asian, Caucasian specifically, would that mean I’m racist if I didn’t like it?  Much like if I didn’t like Black Panther since I’m not black (it was decent, check out my review in the archives at, or being misogynistic since I was born with a penis if I didn’t like the Ghostbusters remake (I didn’t hate it but it was still unnecessary; read the review in the aforementioned archive)?  I’m all for diversity (as I’ve mentioned countless times before), but I don’t like when it’s shoved down our throats beforehand that we must like a film just for featuring a historically marginalized group of people; condescension can be equally as bad as any kind of prejudice (I’ll always remember reading that in a book by Larry Elder, a black man, because it’s true).  I, being a gay white male, will not accuse a heterosexual of homophobia if they didn’t like Call Me by Your Name (I, myself, wasn’t exactly crazy about it), unless they say that’s specifically why they didn’t like it.  Yes, representation is great, especially in America, but I think the overall content or characterization should matter most in the end.  Now that I said all of that, did I like this movie?  It was decent, in case you haven’t figured out by my rating, and I think it worked better as a “stranger in a strange land” tale more than a romantic comedy.  Speaking of the romantic aspect, this film also became known for wanting to include a handsome Asian leading man.  Henry Golding is that man (he’s not bad looking) and he’s only half-Asian but looks Asian enough I guess (whatever).  Constance Wu (Fresh off the Boat) plays a Chinese-American girl traveling with her boyfriend (Mr. Golding) to Singapore for a wedding, thus meeting his rich family.  Of course they don’t approve of this poor American girl, people cheat, there’s jealousy amongst the other women desiring Mr. Golding’s character, there’s a gay family member, there’s fights and breakups and reconciliations, all things featured in traditional Hollywood films and real life that transcend race and culture.  If the intention was to emphasize that though, they succeeded.  It was captivating to see culturally specific things like the various foods being prepared and the traditional wedding ceremony, but I didn’t need to see a culturally specific film to inform me that even when you’re all one race or group of people, you’re still going to be divided by things like class and financial status because I already knew that.  12/3/2018

The Happytime Murders                                             OK

This features a world in which humans and puppets coexist, not necessarily harmoniously.  It isn’t quite like Who Framed Roger Rabbit?, that involving cartoon characters coexisting with humans; this reminding me of it solely by concept.  It isn’t quite like Meet the Feebles either as that world only consisted of puppets; although this did remind me of that early Peter Jackson entry at times.  It isn’t quite like a live-action Muppet Babies either.  Well, maybe an R-rated live-action Muppet Babies; it is helmed by a Henson after all.  It involves a murder mystery and is vulgar and explicit when it damn well wants to be (and not that I cared, but I figured out who the killer was right away).  There were some funny moments but many times it plainly tried too hard to be overly vulgar and explicit, making those scenes completely unfunny, and the overall gag gets tired real quick (at 90 minutes it would; not even, there’s at least ten minutes of end credits).  12/5/2018

Heavy Trip                                                                  OK/G
I’ll never forget what an English professor once told me in college---“When writing an article, make sure the beginning and ending stand out because most people tend not to care about the middle.”  That statement doesn’t necessarily apply to movies as this one had a good beginning and end but a not-so-good middle.  This is Spinal Tap this is not.  It does feature a fictional metal band, but this is actually a narrative film.  It takes place in Finland (yes, there are subtitles, mostly) in a small town (so small that metalheads are still called homos and the only black man is assumed to be a Laplander) where four guys play in an unsigned metal band eventually called Impaled Rektum.  Fitting it takes place in Scandinavia too where many a death and black metal band have originated, even having Scandinavian death/black metal coined as their own subgenres.  The band here called their type of metal something specific too, consisting of several words including reindeer and Christ.  I rather did like the band members, even liking the one song they played in the film, and wouldn’t mind seeing them in other films or their own TV show; I think they’d give Dethklok a run for their money as a fictional extreme metal band.  (I’d like to hear an entire album by Impaled Rektum if possible too; Dethklok made three so far!).  It could be personal bias from being a metalhead (among other things) more than half my life, but this is more about characterization which it absolutely gets right.  Anyway, I thought I was going to love this film from the beginning while showing these outcast metal musicians getting by at regular jobs in hopes of being signed and at least playing a festival in Norway before it became outright silly (back to that not-so-good middle section).  This not being a mockumentary like the above-mentioned film, it sure felt like a goofy parody at times, particularly a fight with a wolverine, the handling of an alleged terrorist threat, and pretty much the entire middle section, including a tragic incident involving a reindeer in the road.  A voiceover at the end informs us it won’t be the last we hear from Impaled Rektum and I certainly hope not, I just hope their next outing works the whole way through (or at least mostly).  12/9/2018

The Honor List                                                            EH
Honor is a girl that passed away from a heart condition she kept to herself, and the list is a bucket list she made as a high school freshman in hopes of accomplishing with three other girls before they graduate.  Thus the three remaining girls reunite and go about accomplishing the six items on that list, including a pizza eating competition, an open mic night, and getting revenge on nasty cheerleaders.  None of the scenarios were particularly fun and it felt like watching a group of friends that I’m not friends with having fun together, making me care less.  The three girls have their own issues to deal with as well and of course there’s fights and eventual reconciliations, blah, friggin’, blah.  I watched Mean Girls the other day and it reminded me of what a good teen movie is, unlike this lame, cornball entry.  12/14/2018

I Still See You                                                              OK/G
Bella Thorne plays a teenager that sees dead people.  Everyone can though so don’t worry about suing, M. Night.  After a disaster, similar to Chernobyl, those left alive near “ground zero” can see remnants of those that passed away, most doing the same thing each time they appear before disappearing.  We’re told the remnants can’t communicate but I’m sure I don’t have to tell you that one of them does, thus beginning a murder mystery.  I liked this movie during the first two-thirds; it was effectively shot, had a chilling air about it, and appeared to suggest it might’ve been a slightly different supernatural thriller.  I really hate when I hope a movie remains good the whole way through but ends up disappointing me sometime before the end, and such was the case with this.  It was fairly obvious from the get-go who a certain villain was (they do actually try being creative with it though) and the whole thing ends on a sappy, “feel good” note that many of these films do.  For the most part though, it’s still better than many supernatural thrillers as of late.  12/12/2018

The Little Mermaid                                                      EH
There seems to be an inundation of live-action Disney remakes lately.  I know there’ve been live-action versions and/or variations of 101 Dalmatians, Pinocchio, Cinderella, The Jungle Book and Alice in Wonderland before, but upcoming we have Dumbo, The Lion King and Aladdin in addition to Beauty and the Beast released just last year (I am actually anticipating the elephant one though since Tim Burton is behind it).  This movie bears no relation to the animated version of The Little Mermaid at all, and the only relation to the original Hans Christian Andersen short story is a brief animated sequence in the beginning summing it up (faithful for the most part but not entirely).  This live-action movie is really only similar in title and more of a sequel to the short story (not the animated movie), much like Hook is to the story of Peter Pan (the only difference being that Hook was actually fun).  I hate to say it, but I think I might’ve actually preferred a live-action remake relatively like the animated movie, and I think people expecting a live-action remake will be greatly disappointed.  The mermaid here does sing at one time, cringe-inducingly I might add (sorry, that only seems to work in animated films, or movies that are actually musicals).  Do yourself a favor, just stick to the animated Disney movie from 1989 and forget this even exists.  12/9/2018

Lizzie                                                                           OK
Lizzie Borden.  The woman made infamous for an alleged double axe murder at the end of the 19th century.  Given the material on the subject already, what exactly sets this apart, much like any other serial killer biopics or documentaries?  Technically she was only an accused murderer (not a serial killer) since it happened one time, but that’s beside the point.  The scope and/or performances are usually what differentiate films/TV shows depicting recycled material with foreknown conclusions (I mean, the whole world knew how Titanic was going to end but did that stop the whole world from watching it?).  Believe it or not, I haven’t seen too many visual adaptations on Lizzie, none really come to mind, because I already knew the gist of what happened.  Had I not known this was a biopic, I would’ve assumed it was simply a period piece about a girl developing forbidden feelings for a servant girl (it was 1892) and murdering her dad/stepmother out of repressed rage.  That’s why it’s hard to judge these films sometimes because a similar story made the exact same way, not based on historical fact, would appear rather ordinary (if that) and I’m “supposed” to like this better for being based on a true story.  Whatever, this is just okay as a biopic and as a standalone dramatic thriller, nothing special.  12/11/2018

Look Away                                                                  EH
We all have that dark, repressed, animalistic side that most of us keep at bay and this movie tries to reiterate that.  Blah, blah, blah.  Here, it comes in the form of a teenage girl’s mirror reflection.  The first scene is of an ultrasound containing two fetal images and that usually means twins.  Hmm…could the reflection be the spirit of the dark, repressed, animalistic twin (that didn’t survive) of this reserved, bullied girl?  The connection doesn’t even really seem to matter.  The film may look good and clearly the filmmakers had some money if they managed to get Jason Isaacs and Mira Sorvino to star (unless they’re friends and hooking each other up), but this psychological thriller is generally a trip to lame city.  12/3/2018

The Lost Day                                                               B

It begins in the early 19th century during the gathering where Frankenstein was allegedly formulated and the late 16th century before settling mostly in 2009 and occasionally 2015.  Sound confusing?  It kind of is but I’m sure it’s all connected somehow by certain items present in each time.  It involves a car crash, displacement of some sort where two people live the other’s life in their own body (again, I know it sounds confusing), November 31st (that date doesn’t exist on our modern calendar for those that need reminding), and appearances by Billy Baldwin and Danny Trejo (they needed help with marketing somehow).  This is probably the worst Freaky Friday type movie I’ve seen, ultimately making me feel lost (!) from jumping back and forth repeatedly.  The only thing lost while watching this was time, not money too thankfully (for me) since I used a free Redbox code.  Sucked!  12/10/2018

Mowgli:  Legend of the Jungle                                    EH
Another live-action Jungle Book movie?!!!  This one comes via Netflix directed by “Schmiegel (actually spelled Smeagol).”  Future filmmakers, stop making them because I’m going to keep watching, thinking I might actually like one.  I also heard this one wasn’t too kid-friendly, so that piqued my curiosity as well (it is rated PG-13).  Well, there is a bit of blood (none too graphic), some discreet violence, and one scene that youngsters may find a bit upsetting, but it’s not going to stop them from watching; just make sure they watch the animated Disney film first to prevent this from being their version of The Jungle Book.  Call me an old man, but I do not like CGI.  I probably never will either but I should get used to it because it’s likely here to stay and possibly going to get worse.  If CGI is going to be used, why not attempt to make the animals look real?  It’s very distracting when CGI is overly apparent.  That’s why I’m always going to prefer the animated one and thankfully that was the first one I saw and grew up with.  This does do things a bit differently by having Mowgli adapt to living in the “man village” and I actually liked that part of the movie better (no CGI probably).  I likely would’ve thought it was an unnecessary spinoff if the entire film involved Mowgli in the “man village” though.  You can add this to the list of unnecessary remakes/adaptations.  There was no King Louie either, wtf?!!!  12/12/2018

Night Comes On                                                         OK

A teenage girl wants revenge on her dad for killing her mother years ago and getting away with it.  In between being released from a detention center and eventually (and inevitably) meeting up with dad, the film depicts a sisterly bond that’s both endearing and slightly troubled, obviously stemming from what happened and its ensuing effects.  The conclusion was a bit of a letdown in that it felt all too common.  The young girls’ performances were noteworthy though, especially the leading lady’s.  12/7/2018

The Nun                                                                      OK/G
Fifth film in The Conjuring universe set in the Fifties in Romania that was teased after the end credits of Annabelle:  Creation and is a prequel to The Conjuring.  A demon named Valak, brought to light in The Conjuring 2, was summoned many years prior to where an abbey now stands, taking the form of a Nun solely to blend in.  The site has been cursed since and the demon needs to inhabit a human body in order to escape.  I couldn’t say I was disappointed regardless of how I felt since my expectations were low beforehand, unlike Annabelle which I had high hopes for and was thus disappointed (it got better upon repeated viewings but still).  I mean sure, this does have its predictable jump scares and lets its big-budget CGI flashiness out on occasion, but there was something about it that grabbed my attention and made me want to like it.  I kind of wish I watched it at night to absorb all of its gothic horror allure, or saw it in the theater, but I had low expectations (like I said) and decided to wait.  That being said, watch it at night with the lights out.  12/4/2018

The Princess Switch                                                    EH

I was in when I saw this was a new Christmas movie on Netflix and also a “body switch” movie á la Freaky Friday and The Hot Chick, or so I thought.  It’s a “switch lives” film instead, being that a Duchess and Chicago baker happen to look exactly alike (both played by Vanessa Hudgens) and may even be related.  The baker travels from Chicago to some town where she plans to be in a baking competition with her best friend (who happens to be male).  The Duchess would like to ingratiate herself amongst the townspeople before becoming a Princess (thus, why wasn’t it called The Duchess Switch?) and running into her “twin” gives her the idea to trade places for just two days.  Of course things are awkward for both while trying to fill each other’s shoes and I’m sure you can guess who ends up falling in love with who, but the people that watch these “feel-good” fluffy types of movies (little girls, their moms, moms in general, and the men that may like these films too) expect nothing less.  Everyone claps too (a particular cliché I really detest), even enemies, after they argue publicly when the truth comes out and eventually make up (don’t accuse me of spoilers because you fans of these movies are going to watch it anyway, if you haven’t already).  If it wasn’t a Netflix film, I could’ve sworn it was a Lifetime holiday movie or a Disney Channel Princess movie (Vanessa Hudgens herself is a Disney Channel alumni after all).  I actually wanted to stop watching fairly early on but I wasn’t giving up since I already started (my OCD certainly never helps in these situations), and since I sat through all of it, I made some use of my wasted time by bashing it in this review.  I like to think I’m an open-minded critic, but my subjective mindset overcame my objective one even when I tried putting myself in the mindset of those that love these types of films.  12/5/2018

The Sun at Midnight                                                    EH/OK
A 16-year-old girl is forced to go stay with her grandmother somewhere up north (I don’t believe it’s Alaska).  She runs away shortly thereafter by boat until the motor dies and meets up with a man she eventually travels alongside through the mountain.  The girl is at least half American Indian and the man appears to be full-blooded, so I’m wondering if this film’s intention was to show the differences between how some modern Natives live versus the ways of traditional ones, as clearly this girl had no apparent ancestral ties.  Representation is good but this felt all too stereotypical, especially in 2018.  Everything from the title itself to the “wise old man” talking about communicating with spirits reeked of stereotypes.  Plus, wolves are involved.  Yeah, that’s not stereotypical at all.  The film itself is kind of bland too, even though the relationship between the elder and young girl could be sweet at times.  12/13/2018

Trench 11                                                                    OK
The setting is World War I under a French field (mostly) in a bunker of sorts called Trench 11 created by Germans.  A group of American (or North American at least) soldiers travel to said trench via orders to investigate.  I liked the foreboding first half better when they navigate through the dark bunker, opposed to the second half when it’s discovered the Germans were conducting an experiment that went wrong.  Like that hasn’t been done before; the recently released Overlord is one such film that allegedly deals with similar subject matter (I have yet to see that, I had no immediate desire).  As some successful thrillers and horror movies have accomplished before, this worked much better when you didn’t see anything.  12/4/2018

211                                                                              EH/OK
Begins in Afghanistan before the U.S. (Massachusetts I think) and involves four men seeking a large amount of money at a bank.  The men raid the bank and a bunch of shootings occur between them and the police, that’s basically all it entails (for the most part).  There really is no depth to it, I don’t feel we really got to know any of the characters (Nic Cage being one performer), and the entire thing felt a bit rushed.  12/10/2018

---Sean O.

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