Sunday, August 4, 2019

Capsized: Blood in the Water/Scream: Season Three

In case you haven’t seen the intro from my entry dated 1/26/19 (it’s in my archives whenever you want to read it), I’m no longer going to review every single movie I see.  I’m going to review one, with the occasional bonus, and just give ratings for the rest from now on (unless I decide to pick it up again in the future).  You can always ask me why I gave the ratings for the films without reviews though (via comments or the e-mail addresses under the ‘About Me’ section).

Capsized:  Blood in the Water                         OK/G
TV movie that premiered during Shark Week this year based on a true story about a group of five people ending up (ahem) capsized after a storm on their way to Florida from Maryland at the end of October in 1982 (shortly before I was born).  [I always thought there should be actual movies during Shark Week].  Their momentary saving grace is a life raft that keeps them afloat and protects them from the sharks beneath.  It’s kind of like Open Water but not quite; they didn’t have a raft for protection in Open Water; plus I was reminded of The Perfect Storm in the beginning and then several “lost at sea” TV movies I’ve seen (one that came to mind involved a family lost at sea and the father jumps in at one time to catch a turtle for food; I don’t remember the title though).  This is primarily about the ordeal that follows the capsizing and how they deal with the situation; the sharks are just an added danger in addition to starvation and dehydration (everyone knows you shouldn’t drink ocean water and that proves fatal for at least one member).  This really wasn’t that bad for a TV movie made in 2019.  They did a satisfactory enough job of juxtaposing real shark footage with the performers too (points for no apparent CGI!).  8/3/2019

Scream:  Season Three                                               G
It took me until hearing of this season to finally sit down and watch this entire series I never got around to.  I do like the Wes Craven film series in which this is obviously based (well, I like Scream, the sequels were just okay with Scream 2 being my least fave), and even though Scary Movie parodied them, they themselves were parodies, or self-referential more appropriately, set up as thrillers.  Sometimes slasher movies overstay their welcome, so I wasn’t sure how a series with 40-plus minute episodes could sustain itself before becoming dull.  One character in the beginning of season one even mentions those very thoughts and I thought they would try to contradict that, but season one was a very drawn-out teen series with the occasional murder that I forced myself to continue watching and that’s never good.  Season Two contained the same characters (at least the survivors) and the same location with even more episodes, but somehow I liked it better because the characters grew on me and the episodes seemed to be a bit quicker (I also liked how each episode bore the title of a horror movie); there was even a “bonus” episode that felt like its own movie.  This season has different characters and a different location with fewer episodes (six; the first had ten and the second had thirteen).  If they changed characters and location this time, why wasn’t the second season different from the first or why wasn’t this season a continuation of the first two?  Whatever, I gave this a mild recommendation solely on the fact it was only six episodes and I liked most of the characters, but it’s really nothing special if you’ve seen the Scream movies and the other two seasons and enough slasher movies for that matter.  Like always though, why stop now if you made it this far?  It won’t take as long as the others to watch either.  You also don’t have to watch the first two seasons before this since it’s a different location and characters (like I said) and contains no references to them either.  F.Y.I.:  On Demand has the last two episodes out of order (at least it did for me), so make sure you watch the episode titled “Blindspots” before “Endgame.”  8/3/2019

Other movies and TV show(s) I’ve seen and their ratings (see above):

Hellboy (2019)  >>>B/EH

The Intruder  >>>EH/OK

The Poison Rose  >>>OK

Scream:  Season Two  >>>OK/G

Ugly Dolls  >>>EH/OK

---Sean O.

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