Saturday, May 29, 2021

Jurassic World: Camp Cretaceous (Season Three)

In case you haven’t seen the intro from my entry dated 1/26/19 (it’s in my archives whenever you want to read it), I’m no longer going to review every single movie I see.  I’m going to review one, with the occasional bonus, and just give ratings for the rest from now on (unless I decide to pick it up again in the future).  You can always ask me why I gave the ratings for the films without reviews though (via comments or the e-mail addresses under the ‘About Me’ section).

Jurassic World:  Camp Cretaceous (Season 3)           G

As of now, season three is not confirmed and it could very well happen considering this season didn’t completely end, and, if it does happen, I hope it’s better than this season… 

Those are the words I said towards the end of my season two review of this Netflix series (you can read the entire review for it here---, as well as my review for season one here---  Boy was this season better than the last one!  I enjoyed the first season enough to label it one of the best TV shows of last year, but the second season just didn’t work for me.  Sometimes you can’t truly explain why you don’t enjoy something, but sometimes you just don’t enjoy something as much as you do others, hence why criticism will always be subjective (I know at least my brother enjoyed season two).  Whereas the previous two seasons contained 8 episodes each, this one was 10, all of them 24 minutes each that all go by super fast!  I didn’t want to stop watching and that’s certainly always a positive.  Basically the same six kids from the beginning are still on the island and must try and survive amongst the dinosaurs that are always in pursuit (the herbivores are even dangerous this time).  This season was pure fun and should be as well to those that are fans of the movie franchise as well as this spinoff series, but, then again, that’s just my subjective opinion.  As of now, season four has not been confirmed, but it’s a high possibility given the ending of this season, and, if so, I’m guessing it’ll be released 4 months from now since that’s been the interval between each season so far.  Of course I’ll watch it, but it has a lot to live up to after this season; I just ask that it be better than season two!  5/23/2021

Bonus reviews:

The Stand (2020)                                                         EH
I finally got around to watching this miniseries remake available on CBS All Access/Paramount +, based on the novel by Stephen King, which was first released at the end of last year.  Confession:  I never read the book even though I’ve owned it for over 20 years now (I’ll get around to it eventually, but it’s as thick as a friggin’ Bible!  I’m surprised I did read similar-sized tomes like It and Under the Dome).  The original miniseries, which ran for 4 nights in 1994, isn’t my favorite adaptation of King’s, but I am enough of a fan to own the DVD, and I can only remember parts of it (I don’t even know how many times I watched it; it wasn’t a lot).  So, basically, I went into this adaptation somewhat blind, even though I remembered parts of the original as they happened here.  I don’t remember hearing too many good things about this one, and even though I try not to listen to the naysayers, or even the yaysayers for anything (I’ve liked films/shows that were panned and disliked ones that were praised, after all), I hate to say that the naysayers were right this time.  I did not care about this series after the first episode and definitely forced myself to continue due to my love of the King (damn you, Stephen!).  It’s 9 episodes, mind you, ranging from 48 to 65 minutes each, making it a total of roughly 8 ½ hours (the original was roughly 6 hours---damn, that would’ve been almost 2 hours of commercials when it first aired and, no, I didn’t watch it when it was initially released)!  Since I never read the book, I know not whether either adaptation was faithful and what may have been added or removed, but since this one was 2 hours longer, either this one added or the original left stuff out.  I’m guessing this one added since it was way too drawn out.  In a nutshell, for those that may not be familiar with the material, a virus decimates the majority of the population and new communities are formed with the surviving members; there is also talk of God and the Devil and end times and shit (ironically, I used the Bible as a comparison above).  Post-apocalyptic movies are definitely dead and this miniseries was boring with a cast of recognizable faces (i.e. James Marsden, Whoopi Goldberg, Greg Kinnear, Irene Bedard, Alexander Skarsgard, to name a few) that couldn’t even save it.  It’s pretty much needless to say this was an unnecessary remake to a work I wasn’t the biggest fan of to begin with, but I think I’ll stick with the 1994 version if I want to revisit the material, or, better yet, I might just decide to finally read the big ass book!  5/26/2021

Raya and the Last Dragon                                          G
(haiku review)
Decent Disney flick.
Captivating to behold.
More for the youngsters.  5/24/2021

Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):

Chaos Walking  >>>EH/OK

The Hand (1981)  >>>EH

The SpongeBob Movie:  Sponge on the Run  >>>EH/OK

The Village in the Woods  >>>EH

---Sean O.

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