Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):
My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell It To >>>EH/OK
---Sean O.Film reviews of movies I recently saw. Most of them will be recent (either theatrical or DVD/Blu-Ray release) but others may be older and I saw them for the first time or watched them again after a long while (but usually those kind of reviews will be in my other blog, Random Rewind). Ratings: E-excellent VG-very good G-good OK-ok EH-less than ok B-bad VB-very bad
Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):
My Heart Can’t Beat Unless You Tell It To >>>EH/OK
---Sean O.Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):
Blue Bayou >>>OK
Portal Runner >>>OK
---Sean O.Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):
Amityville Scarecrow >>>B/EH
Free Guy >>>EH/OK
---Sean O.Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):
Baphomet >>>EH/OK
Embrace of the Vampire (1995) >>>EH
Embrace of the Vampire (2013) >>>EH
Screams of a Winter Night >>>OK
Silent Night, Zombie Night >>>EH/OK
Teddy (2020) >>>EH
To All a Good Night >>>EH
Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):
Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):
Karen >>>EH
Malignant >>>EH
13 Minutes >>>OK
Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):
The Amusement Park >>>EH
Bloodthirsty >>>EH
Prisoners of the Ghostland >>>B
The Strings (2020) >>>EH
Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):
First Date >>>EH
Sam Was Here >>>EH/OK
Séance (2021) >>>EH/OK
Separation (2020; short) >>>B
V/H/S/94 >>>OK
White Girl (2019; short) >>>EH
---Sean O.*Available on Disney+*
Other movies I've seen and their ratings (see above):
Jungle Cruise >>>EH/OK
Reminiscence >>>EH
Witch Hunt (2021) >>>EH
---Sean O.Other movies and TV show(s) I’ve seen and their ratings (see above):
Black Bear >>>EH
Escape Room: Tournament of Champions >>>OK
Nine Days >>>OK
Ted Bundy: American Boogeyman >>>EH/OK
---Sean O.Blumhouse Productions, the company named after Jason Blum and known mostly for producing horror movies such as Insidious, The Purge, and Paranormal Activity (you can see their entire list if you Google them), recently released 4 movies (another 4 are coming) exclusively to Amazon in a series entitled ‘Welcome to the Blumhouse.’ I got around to watching all 4 and here are their reviews in the order I watched them…
I copied and pasted that intro from my review of the first four films released last year since the same pretty much applies here (you can check out my review of the first four films here--- https://vampireclown82.blogspot.com/2020/11/welcome-to-blumhouse-part-one.html). Obviously I knew there were going to be four movies released this year, as you can see in parenthesis above, so I’m guessing this year would be Welcome to the Blumhouse, Part 2? Somewhere on the internet stated it was season 2 of the series, but these are all individual movies not TV episodes. Whatever, these four films are 2021 releases of Welcome to the Blumhouse…
In conclusion: This is what I said at the end of my review for the last four movies in the series---[…4 more movies in this series are planned to be released within a year, and, all I can say is, I hope they’re more on the horror side, or, at the very least, better than this bunch overall]. Well, I can say that these four films were more horror. As for being better? Not necessarily. Again, I only found one of the four to be decent, that being The Manor, and even that I wouldn’t exactly rave about. I can see it being a film that might get better with age though (pun intended). Ironically, that was the only movie this round directed by a name I actually recognize---Axelle Carolyn, who has directed episodes of American Horror Story, Creepshow, The Haunting of Bly Manor, and a segment of Tales of Halloween. Actually, I knew of Bingo Hell’s Gigi Saul Guerrero and that’s only because she’s been a guest on Eli Roth’s History of Horror before. As of now, I see no plans for a third bunch of films, but judging by these last two sets, I can’t say I really care because I haven’t exactly been the biggest fan so far…11/2/2021
Grave Intentions >>>EH/OK
The Legend of Fall Creek >>>B